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Conversion & Personal Reflections
- 012: Picking a Rabbi, A Community, and a Name
- 023: Suffering, Identity, and Hipster Judaism
- 025: Bacon, Bread, and Butter: Haven’t I snipped out enough?
- 028: Flashback Friday: Mikvah orientation, feeling underwater, and halfway mark
- 032: The Big Birthday, Uncertainty, & Pikuach Nefesh: Saving Lives & Taking Care of Ourselves
- 038: I’m in the press! Many people are having their Jewish conversions delayed. #DOJ #DelayOfJewish
- 044 | Mom, Dad: I think I’m Jewish. Coming out all over again! The Pride Issue
- 051 | Beit Din Today: A Winding, Delayed Journey
- 052 | Beit Done: Days of Awesome, Jewish Journey Limbo, and Holy Daze (One Year In)
- 053 | Into the waters: Joining the ancestors, an interview with the AJU Mikvah
- 055 | A New Jew’s Registry: Social Causes, Nefesh, and Some Holiday Cheer
- 058 | Finding My Kosher Body: Sex, Bacon, Tattoos, and other things on/in you
- 013: Hot Girl Rosh Hashanah: Shofar Sho Good!
- 015: Yom Kippur & Schrödinger’s Jew: Practicing but not quite there yet
- 017: When Life Gives You Lulavs: It’s a Mitzvah to be happy on Sukkot
- 018: The Lego Sukkot Movie, Etrog on My Face, and Study
- 026: Oi to the World: First Hanukkah, Awkward Family Christmas, and I *Heart* Maccabees
- 034: Join me for Passover: Nefesh LA Zeder (that’s a Zoom Seder)
- 036: TBT: Hot Girl Purim Vibes, and Desserts that Are Definitely Vajayjays
- 041: A little Torah for Shavuot: Don’t be a mask-hole. Shavuot round-up, Converts, & Ruth
- 050 | Rewind: Pesach, Patience, and Seinfeld-Era Memories of Matzah and Maror
Social Justice, Tikkun Olam, BLM
- 012: Picking a Rabbi, A Community, and a Name
- 027: MLK, Tzedakah, and Injustice in America
- 043 | The Jewish Call for Social Justice: Black Lives, Our Failed System, & Tikkun Olam
- Newish Jewish: A new look, a new focus on wider Jewish justice and learning
- 060 | American Jews, This Shavuot it’s Time We Rededicate Ourselves to Social Justice
Politics, Fascism, and Antisemitism
- 011: Teshuvah and Trump: Practicing the Jewish & Being a Mensch
- 020: We need to talk about Stephen Miller: Challaween, Masks, and Identity
- 031: Land of Feta & Dates: Wrestling with Issues in Israel as a soon-to-be-Jew
- 040: Freedom in the time of Shavuot
- 047 | George Soros Did Not Pay for This Post: QAnon and Deep State-Delusion are Deeply Anti-Semitic, Y’all
- 049 | My Poor Jerusalem: Tisha B’av, Portland, and Grief
- 050 | Rewind: Pesach, Patience, and Seinfeld-Era Memories of Matzah and Maror
- 056 | Post-Mikvah Slumps, Lame Duck Dumps, and Pandemic Punishment: We enter the darkest months of the year.
- American Genocide, Redux
Learning, Torah, and Classes
- 001: A Blog? In this economy?
- 002: Doing Jewish: Away We Goy!
- 003: First Day of School – and I guess I go to the westside now
- 018: The Lego Sukkot Movie, Etrog on My Face, and Study
- 021: Lech Lecha, A Song, and Blessing the World
- 024: Mystery Rabbi, A Great Book, and Joy
- 048: Shabbat Shalom, The Middot Project, Nine Days of Av, and First Year of Learning
- 058 | Finding My Kosher Body: Sex, Bacon, Tattoos, and other things on/in you
G-d, Theology, and Concepts
- 010: God, Golden Joinery, & A Mikvah for Your Mouth
- 029: Judaism’s Best Ideas: A Listicle
- 039: G?d, G!d, and G-d: Who you gonna wrestle?
Firsts (as a New Jew)
- 002: Doing Jewish: Away We Goy!
- 003: First Day of School – and I guess I go to the westside now
- 004: Mom, Dad: I’m Jewish. Ish. TBD. NBD.
- 007: First Shabbat & Picnic Under the Stars
- 008: First Synagogue, First Kippah, and an Unfortunate Keychain
- 050 | Rewind: Pesach, Patience, and Seinfeld-Era Memories of Matzah and Maror
Pop Culture
- 016: Yiddlife Crisis, Wandering the Desert, and Transparent
- 022: Jews in Space, Spock, and The Moon
- 035: Pop culture moment: Sukkah-in-Place, Urchatz, the Ides, and Passover
- 046 | Unorthodox, One of Us, Shtisel: My Orthodox Netflix Crash-Course
Pandemic, Covid, and News
- 030: Wo/Man, this week was a long year. Things keeping me sane
- 032: The Big Birthday, Uncertainty, & Pikuach Nefesh: Saving Lives & Taking Care of Ourselves
- 033: Alma: How to Make Your Quarantine as Jewish as Possible
- 037: 40 Days and 40 Nights in Quarantine: What’s in a name?
- 041: A little Torah for Shavuot: Don’t be a mask-hole. Shavuot round-up, Converts, & Ruth
- 045: Support Jewish artists and other small business during the downturn (it’s a mitzvah)
- 056 | Post-Mikvah Slumps, Lame Duck Dumps, and Pandemic Punishment: We enter the darkest months of the year.
- American Genocide, Redux
Community and Temples
- 008: First Synagogue, First Kippah, and an Unfortunate Keychain
- 012: Picking a Rabbi, A Community, and a Name
- 019: Bat Mitzvah, Ikarious, and the Trees of Life and Wisdom
- Hineni: Here I am, A Learner and Wanderer—A Jewish Tour of San Francisco
- 031: Land of Feta & Dates: Wrestling with Issues in Israel as a soon-to-be-Jew
- 049 | My Poor Jerusalem: Tisha B’av, Portland, and Grief
- 059 | A Heart with Many Rooms
LGBTQ / Queer
- 016: Yiddlife Crisis, Wandering the Desert, and Transparent
- 042: Jason Rosenberg: Larry Kramer Taught Me How to Be an Angry Gay Jew
- 044 | Mom, Dad: I think I’m Jewish. Coming out all over again! The Pride Issue
- 058 | Finding My Kosher Body: Sex, Bacon, Tattoos, and other things on/in you
- Some Blessings As Pride Month Ends: The Work and Learning Continue