Pinkwashing: The Antisemitism and Erasure Behind This Bogus Claim
Like all fake activism for Palestine, it actually does tremendous harm to Palestinians as well as Israelis and Jews and only keeps the conflict going.
While Hanookuh shouldn’t be a materialistic celebration—especially this year with supply shortages—it’s always fun to celebrate.
Here are some things you can do to mark the rededication of the temple, including supporting Nefesh of Los Angeles, my Jewish community, and supporting this creative project you’re enjoying at the moment itself.
Bid on unique, quirky, one-of-a-kind gifts and experiences that you could not find ANYWHERE ELSE but in the Nefesh community. This could be the perfect Chanukah gift for someone on your list. Plus, your gift in turn becomes a Chanukah gift to Nefesh to enable our community to continue into 2022.
Gifts include:
Doing Jewish is a Modern Tribe affiliate, and using these links to purchase a holiday gift helps keeps us growing. Tap any image below, and find much more here!
Have fun! And of course Modern Tribe has all sorts of things, from Holy Days supplies to “Chai” jewelry and bar/bat mitvah gifts:
Enjoy your holidays and be safe, and I hope you get what you want for the holiday, whether it’s reunification with friends and family, light, love, travel, or that puppy you’ve always wanted.