Pinkwashing: The Antisemitism and Erasure Behind This Bogus Claim
Like all fake activism for Palestine, it actually does tremendous harm to Palestinians as well as Israelis and Jews and only keeps the conflict going.
Trump’s face says it all here. Not only couldn’t he make eye contact 4 years ago, he’s making “apology face” and pursing his lips. He’s ashamed, and he knows what he really is. Obama, meanwhile, looked him in the eye and invited him into the Oval Office after years of fake racist “birther” bullshit. (Continued below photo)
We are in a sad, strange space right now. This orange goblin is trying to do as much damage to us and the world on his way down, and the reconstruction will take years. Reconstituting our culture, norms, and social fabric may be impossible.
Photo above: President Obama and President Rump shaking hands, November 2016, and the bloated bigot can not be bothered to make eye contact because he knows he’s a shameful racist sack. Caption says:
“When you see hatred, ignorance, and racism, stare it in the face. It probably won’t have the courage to look back.”
I am feeling this as a Jew, as a queer, and for my BIPOC siblings and at-risk communities. Stay strong.