035: Pop culture moment: Sukkah-in-Place, Urchatz, the Ides, and Passover
Our Pharaoh is shrugging at the plagues, telling us to go back to work on the Pyramids, and Christian Bale is nowhere to be found.
Our Pharaoh is shrugging at the plagues, telling us to go back to work on the Pyramids, and Christian Bale is nowhere to be found.
Looking for somewhere to “go” for Pesach? Maybe you’ve heard of Nefesh in LA but it was too far? It’s my amazing community and I’m glad and honored to be helping them out with social media and support. We come together a week from tonight on Zoom. Kids Jam 5pm, Seder 6pm. Limited seder kits available if you order before […]
So much happened in such little time. Inside: The Bibas family. Hostages come home. JVP Watch. ProSemitic. JudeaPedia. And more
So much happened in such little time. Inside: Hostages come home. JVP Watch. ProSemitic. JudeaPedia. And more
Our People Have Been In the Dark for an Unfathomable Time.
Your Support Helped Me Get to a First Goal—So Amazing.
Bobby Apperson is a musician, writer, songwriter, piano & voice coach, and bon vivant living in Los Angeles, Calif. He is currently blogging about his conversion to Judaism and all that entails (and what he doesn't yet know that it entails).
Show your Jewish Pride. Gear your ProSemitic gear Dismiss
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